Spiritual Techniques | Brahmarishis Hermitage

Spiritual Techniques

Brahmarishis Hermitage Devatmananda Shamballa Rishis Siddhas Siddhar Sprituality Kalki Saptharishis Saptarishis
                    Divine Soul Guru Wisdom Positive Quotes

Spiritual techniques are concise procedures aimed for a particular spiritual purpose. Just like how scientists experiment and arrive at a formula, in deep tapas, Rishis - the spiritual scientists, experiment and develop these techniques for the spiritual upliftment of the world. Behind each technique lies the brilliance and compassion of the Rishis.

These techniques may appear simple, but we will soon realise that with regular practice, it brings quick results and fulfillment. Techniques provide a quantum leap in one's spiritual advancement.

Techniques are boons to a sadhak.

Spiritual techniques are concise procedures aimed for a particular spiritual purpose. Just like how scientists experiment and arrive at a formula, in deep tapas, Rishis - the spiritual scientists, experiment and develop these techniques for the spiritual upliftment of the world. Behind each technique lies the brilliance and compassion of the Rishis.