Meditation is an inner practice and mechanism of silencing our mind, body and intellect. It is the outcome of effective body stillness, concentration and visualisation. It is the seventh limb of Ashtanga Yoga.
Meditation is an ancient and advanced spiritual science given by the Rishis to burn karmas, to transform and eventually to take us towards self realisation. It helps us to live a balanced life and ultimately makes us eligible to attain the final liberation or Mukthi.
Meditation helps us establish a total connect with the present moment, detaching ourselves from the external world. Meditation also takes our awareness beyond thoughts and senses.
Continue to Read ...During meditation, we consciously make efforts to shift our awareness from ‘thinking’ to ‘feeling’ and ‘experiencing’. And as we experience the energies, our stillness deepens, awareness expands, and we achieve oneness and experience Light directly as it is.
Meditation overhauls the entire bio mechanism by activating countless spiritual processes within. Our body becomes receptive to cosmic energies. It enriches our individual life experience and also contributes to the collective human evolution, both biological and spiritual.
The divine vibration caused by our meditations not only transforms us, but also impacts our family members, neighbours, surroundings and the world. With meditation, we become a perfect channel of the Divine. It awakens within us, all the realities of Light. Our life becomes more beautiful and meaningful.
Meditation and positivisation are interlinked - both help and support each other. Meditation gives inner strength and willpower to adhere to the practices of positivisation, especially during tough and testing situations. Positivisation inturn helps us to do quality meditation and experience samadhi easily. It is to be noted that only with the combined efforts of meditation and positivisation, we can annihilate the arishadvargas in us.
While positivisation brings in satva guna, the process of meditation helps to go beyond all gunas, and make us eligible to attain the final liberation or Mukthi. Hence, both meditation and positivisation should be given equal importance and practiced in tandem. Both equally contribute towards giving a complete upliftment of our spiritual and material prosperity. They are like two eyes of sadhana.
During meditation, we consciously make efforts to shift our awareness from ‘thinking’ to ‘feeling’ and ‘experiencing’. And as we experience the energies, our stillness deepens, awareness expands, and we achieve oneness and experience Light directly as it is.
Biological Benefits
✔ Effective and consistent practice of meditation enables us to -
✔ Remove tiredness, worries, anger and stress.
✔ Heal the system and improve overall health and quality of life.
✔ Calm the mind, regulate the breath and control blood pressure.
✔ Add clarity to the mind, discrimination to the intellect and vitality to the body.
✔ Increase creativity and concentration.
✔ Boost immune system and help us to be energetic throughout the day.
✔ Activate the functioning and effectiveness of glands.
✔ Activate dormant brain cells and sharpen our memory.
✔ Bestow happiness, contentment and peace.
✔ Reduces the thoughts or thought rate during meditation
Spiritual Benefits
✔ Help us to clear karmas and annihilate arishadvargas in us.
✔ Help bring out unconditional love and bliss from the soul.
✔ Transform and Positivise.
✔ Awaken us to the higher purpose of life.
✔ Instill silence and peace of mind.
✔ Add purity at all levels.
✔ Increase alertness and awareness.
✔ Get inner strength and maturity to handle life situations.
✔ Cleanse and activate chakras and help us to connect to the reservoir of cosmic energies.
✔ Overhaul the vital body or pranamaya kosha and replenish the nadis.
✔ Activate dormant faculties like intuition, telepathy, clairvoyance etc.
✔ Help us to re-establish contact with the divine and Rishis.
✔ Help us to attain samadhi - the highest experience in sadhana.
✔ Help us to attain mukthi - the ultimate purpose of human birth.
✔ Avoid extremes and bring about a balance between both material and spiritual life.
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