Meditation | Positivisation | Transformation | Brahmarishis Hermitage


Brahmarishis Hermitage Devatmananda Shamballa Rishis Siddhas Siddhar Sprituality Kalki Saptharishis Saptarishis
                    Divine Soul Guru Wisdom Positive Quotes

Meditation is a process of giving rest to the mind. It is a pure science. It is silencing the body, mind and intellect and rekindling the inner light of the Self or soul.

In meditation, we go beyond all forms.

Meditation frees us from the shackles of all bondage and limitations.

Meditation starts with body stillness and powerful concentration.

As we experience the divine vibrations our awareness expands, vastness spreads and we achieve oneness and experience Light directly as it is.

Meditation burns the karmas, life becomes light, easier, purposeful, efficient and peaceful.

Meditation brings love for life, wholeness to the self, family, society and to the world.

Meditation clears the road for Positivisation.

Meditation gives us a new lease of life.

Deep meditation for a prolonged period of time is Tapas.


Brahmarishis Hermitage Devatmananda Shamballa Rishis Siddhas Siddhar Sprituality Kalki Saptharishis Saptarishis
                    Divine Soul Guru Wisdom Positive Quotes

Positivisation begins with understanding the power of thoughts and harnessing this power to transform all our negative thoughts into positive ones.

It is achieved by immediately feeding a positive stream of thoughts when any negativity or weakness surfaces either from inside or outside.

It is, consciously saying ‘No’ to any negativity, at all levels - body, mind, intellect and soul.

Positivisation is cultivating a positive attitude towards life and life situations.

Alertness and genuine intent to transform plays a key role in positivisation.

A positive mind is always fresh, energetic and becomes an inspiration for others.

A positive mind is a pure and strong mind. It can never be misguided or victimised under any circumstances.

Without positivisation we can never experience real freedom and true happiness.

The true realisation of our potential to conquer all our weaknesses is possible only upon positivisation.


Brahmarishis Hermitage Devatmananda Shamballa Rishis Siddhas Siddhar Sprituality Kalki Saptharishis Saptarishis
                    Divine Soul Guru Wisdom Positive Quotes

Any change that is complete and irreversible is Transformation.

Self Transformation is an intense effort to transcend one’s karmic influences.

Transformation is letting go of all that is unwanted.

A transformed person never slips back into his old state and hence he is never doubtful or fearful.

Real transformation happens when the mind is transformed.

A transformed person becomes an example, a hope, a beacon of Light to others.