Dharma | Spirituality | Sadhana | Initiation | Brahmarishis Hermitage


Brahmarishis Hermitage Devatmananda Shamballa Rishis Siddhas Siddhar Sprituality Kalki Saptharishis Saptarishis
                    Divine Soul Guru Wisdom Positive Quotes

Dharma is, holding to our true nature - Love and Purity.

Dharma is, choosing and taking the side of Light.

Dharma is, living fearlessly.

Dharma is, following our conscience.

Anything we do against our conscience is called adharma.

The inner conflict between dharma and adharma is called war of dharma.

The play between dharma and adharma is a part of Maya.

It is a cosmic law that always dharma wins over adharma.

If we uphold Dharma, Dharma upholds us.

Dharma NEVER fails.


Brahmarishis Hermitage Devatmananda Shamballa Rishis Siddhas Siddhar Sprituality Kalki Saptharishis Saptarishis
                    Divine Soul Guru Wisdom Positive Quotes

Spirituality is the science of spirit or soul.

Spirituality teaches dharma.

Spirituality gives unfailing wisdom and strength to follow dharma.

Spirituality is, rising above one’s sensory experiences and realising our Self or soul.

Spirituality provides us the suitable roadmap to self-realisation and beyond.

The foundation of spirituality is the genuine effort to explore within.

Knowledge of spirituality is imparted by the Rishis.

Spirituality is the essence of all religions. Hence it is universal.

A spiritual person always keeps a positive attitude towards life and life situations.


Brahmarishis Hermitage Devatmananda Shamballa Rishis Siddhas Siddhar Sprituality Kalki Saptharishis Saptarishis
                    Divine Soul Guru Wisdom Positive Quotes

Sadhana is nothing but self-discipline undertaken in the pursuit of a goal.

Sadhana is the constant and consistent practice of any action.

Self-realisation is the first goal in spiritual sadhana.

In Sadhana we walk the distance between us and God.

Sadhana is, abiding by the instructions of the Guru.

Sadhana is a soul’s call. It can be taken up at any age.

Sadhana demands faith, patience and acceptance.

Sadhana gives maturity to live a balanced material and spiritual life.


Brahmarishis Hermitage Devatmananda Shamballa Rishis Siddhas Siddhar Sprituality Kalki Saptharishis Saptarishis
                    Divine Soul Guru Wisdom Positive Quotes

Initiation is a process of transferring the spiritual energies of a Guru to the seeker.

During initiation, the soul is directly reconnected to its source, Light.

Initiation happens by the grace of Guru.

Initiation overhauls and purifies the entire system and helps to absorb more energies in the process of our sadhana.

Initiation marks the beginning of sadhana and commitment towards the Guru.

Initiation is a continued process as one advances in sadhana.

Spiritual progress is marked by initiation to higher levels of practices. Every such initiation is considered a milestone.